Crowdfunding Doc Reflection

»Q and A«

What Was I Doing?

My role within the group was the Director. Which has been my role for the past couple of productions.

Successful Aspects:

Actually i think finding b-rolls was the most successful aspect because it’s really bringing my documentary to life. It would have taken forever to film half of what I found online. And what I found online was a huge selection for so many different videos and photos. I was really happy with that aspect.


During production with the issue of copyright I had to make sure I was referencing all of my used media. Such as all of my b-rolls and any music that I had incorporated into my documentary.

Future Productions:

For future productions i think we needed to all contribute to the script. The people that were going to be filmed were keen to do the task but were struggling. So when it came to filming we had some troubles with getting the shots we wanted. But I think if people were speaking to the camera that they should have helped with the script more. When it came to the editing part i wanted to be more confident with my editing skills. I had around 2 minutes complete but as i was watching the beginning i just wasn’t feeling it. So i took the executive decision to restart, even though it was going to be hard to redo everything from scratch. But im really happy I did.

Continue reading Crowdfunding Doc Reflection



This is quite hilarious to me in so many ways. K pop and Bieber fight!! Justin Beiber and Korean pop group Exo were in Tokyo Japan for a concert. Which then turned into a battle ground. Both of the artists held concerts on the same day but at different times. While Exo’s concert was completely sold out, Justin had many..many..many seats empty.

“Fans are also saying that many of those who were in the “Sorry” singer’s concert went out and attended the EXO’s concert instead. Bieber is well-known worldwide and has had a record of always having jam-packed concerts. However, with EXO in the picture, it looks like Bieber has been defeated, as other fans would say.” (Justine, 2016)

Unreality TV reports: “And it seems they are a massive force to be reckoned with in the music industry as earlier this year, Forbes Korea ranked them as the ‘most powerful celebrity.”

Miley Cyrus

Now this a all between Exo and Justin, so how did Miley get roped into all of this. Well to be honest its not really her. But one of her fans. One of her fans made tweets saying K-pop is only known in Asia and made other racist comments.


#exosnatchedjustinsfansparty justin bieber, exo


It started out as fans being stolen. To who is the most talented, which led to an Exo memeber named Kyungsoo who had made a previous cover of Justins song Boyfriend. Fans were tweeting about how he sung it better. Lets face it some fans can be a little intense sometimes.


Justine. (2016) Exo Vs Justin Beiber. Retrieved from:

Jubilantj. (2016). Miley Cyrus gets dragged into fan war between Justin Bieber and EXO fans with #RIPMileyCyrus. Retrived from:


Documentary Pitch

∇ Crowd Funding Doc ∇

A documentary about crowd funding, where customers and creators work together.

Raising funds is very different on the internet. Enter the world of crowd funding, where even the average man can be apart of something big. This device gets bigger every day. With donor rewards and stretch goals, it sounds like the best thing in the world. But is it really the way of the future? Or is there too much potential for abuse?

drogatnev/Getty Images


Innovative People

♦Wong Fu Productions♦

»Short Bio & Description«

Firstly, Wong Fu Productions is amazingly talented. If you haven’t heard of them before, then your crazy I tell you!!!

Wong Fu Productions first started making videos in 2003 in college at UC San Diego. Starting out as friends and dormmates. Wong Fu Productions is now headed by Philip Wang, Wesley Chan and Ted Fu.

As emerging artists and filmmakers, they hope to continue to improve their craft, grow as a company, and reach people with their work.

As a growing independent production company they work full-time on various parts of their business. Primarily known for their YouTube channel with over 1 million subscribers and 200 million views, they create short films, music videos and vlogs for their large and loyal fanbase. (Wung Fu Productions, 2014)

They have 2 YouTube channels, their main one where they release all their productions and another channel called More Wong Fu, where they upload extra content. Like getting to know all the crew on the team. Also a bunch of other really hilarious videos.

Not only are Wong Fu Productions talented but they are even recognized by big corportions, tv companies and even the officials have noticed their hard work. Such as president standards.

Wong Fu Productions

Continue reading Innovative People

Drama Project Reflection

≡The Girl Production≡

The Roles

My role within the production was the Director and I was also playing the character of Sarah.



The Success

We had a lot of problems in our group. Which is great in a way because it means that we were able to overcome different ways to solve our problems. But the end product made me really happy. Because a lot of the time the group said this wasn’t going to work, that we wouldn’t finish this production, that this wouldn’t be as good as we wanted it to be. Which in turn only made me more determined to prove them wrong. That we can make an amazing drama no matter the obstacles, that this will be the best production to date.

Also the fact that I actually got my production done in time for the film festival made me really happy. That itself was very successful for me. Mainly because I didn’t even think i could get it finished in time. So when it was completed i was really happy. The end product, after the editing was a very proud moment for me, I had edited the whole 3 minutes by myself. In my opinion I think it was my best editing ever! Considering it took me over a lesson to just select a title was crazy. But well worth the time and effort 🙂


Aspects Taken For Next Project

I think we needed to work on the production aspect. We need to be more consistent with attendance and commitment. We needed to pre book areas for when we were shooting. Which didn’t always turn out the way we wanted, because we were filming when the lower school wanted to use that area. A lot of the time when we wanted to film, we couldn’t because the space was booked, which was really disappointing.

Demonstrate Editing Techniques 

Match On Action:When the character Chad rushed forward to grab Sarah after the 3 actors were arguing.

Cut Away – In the very beginning of the film you see the main protagonist Tim, looking at something or someone. The next shot shows what he was looking at, which was Sarah walking in the opposite direction.

Dialogue Overlap: when Tim is at Sarah’s house you see Tim’s reaction when Sarah tells him the worst news he could have heard at that time.


I haven’t uploaded my production on my personal vimeo page yet. But until then check it out on the school vimeo page.

Crowd Funding

×Don’t Know What Crowd Funding Is?×

Well don’t worry I’ll explain it for you my friend: To put it simply its a project that is funded by people, who aim to raise money from a large sum of people. (Anonymous, 2016)


×Features of Crowd Funding×

Your still not familiar with crowd funding? That’s alright, i’ll tell you what makes crowd funding- well crowd funding. It involves giving. The main feature of this new media is the process of raising money for a cause. Such as; music industry, entertainment, business people and even people like you and I can do crowd funding. As long as you have a legitimate project to raise money for.

I would say you have two features to this:

1. Being the money raised

2. A project

Without the both of them you cannot call it crowd funding.

This is an online platform where you can do crowd funding online (OzCrowd), this website outlines the features and uses of this new media: (OzCrowd,2016)

It gives you 3 easy steps to start crowdfunding

1. Create your campaign

2. Share with friends

3. Fund your campaign

Continue reading Crowd Funding


Don’t know what censorship is? That’s okay, I shall explain:

Censorship is the suppression of free speech, public communication or other information which may be considered objectionable, harmful, sensitive, politically incorrect or inconvenient as determined by governments, media outlets, authorities or other groups or institutions.


OMG, What can be censored??

Well, honestly anything and everything basically. All media forms are subjected to censorship.

  • TV and movies? Yeah that’s censored…
  • Games, huh yeah they can get censored too
  • Books and newspapers. They are also involved..
  • What about the internet?? Of course!
  • Surely not the news, right? Believe it or not; even the news.

Australia + Censorship:

Hello, meet the board. Here you will be judged as to wether we think you are worthy to be in the public, as to wether or not we need to censor you. This is the simplest way I can explain it to you. Basically a bunch of people sit there and say if they want to rest of the public to see it too. Even schools censor what you can see on your school logins.

Australia’s laws on Internet censorship are amongst the most restrictive in the western world. However, the restrictive nature of the laws has been combined with almost complete lack of interest in enforcement from the agencies responsible

Top 10 Most Censored Countries:

1. Eritrea

2. North Korea

3. Saudi Arabia

4. Ethiopia

5. Azerbaijan

6. Vietnam

7. Iran

8. China

9. Myanmar

10. Cuba

My Opinion On Censorship:

I believe that censorship is necessary in some circumstances. But some countries take it a little too far, instead trying to use it to stop the public from knowing the truth, almost as if their being deceived. Government shouldn’t be using censorship to hide the things they don’t like or want people to see numerous reasons.

Internet restrictions are combined with the threat of imprisonment to ensure that critical voices cannot gain leverage online.

The fact that people can become imprisoned because they have an opinion to share is disgraceful. Not all countries are like this of course. But.. its just so wrong when it gets to this point. Its a bit hard to say we have freedom sometimes.



Media Issues

≈Violence In The Media≈

What is the issue?  Violence is the behaviour involving physical force intended to hurt, damage, or kill someone or something. Violence being shown in the media can even effect the views themselves to some extent.

Early research on the effects of viewing violence on television — especially among children — found a desensitizing effect and the potential for aggression

Who does it affect? The scary thing is that it can affect everyone. People like you and I see violence everywhere, especially in the media. You literally can’t watch a movie without some form of violence. Even comedy can be violent sometimes. It’s extraordinarily difficult to keep people from viewing such violence.

Case Study: Some researchers have demonstrated that very young children will imitate aggressive acts on TV in their play with peers. Before age 4, children are unable to distinguish between fact and fantasy and may view violence as an ordinary occurrence. In general, violence on television and in movies often conveys a model of conflict resolution. It is efficient, frequent, and inconsequential.

Heroes are violent, and, as such, are rewarded for their behavior. They become role models for youth. It is “cool” to carry an automatic weapon and use it to knock off the “bad guys.” The typical scenario of using violence for a righteous cause may translate in daily life into a justification for using violence to retaliate against perceived victimizers.

This website has a bit of reading, but don’t be scared. If you want to find out more information of this topic this page goes into depth about children and adolescents exposure to violence.

Not only is TV affecting us, we have these amazing creations called games. That are just as bad and most of the time worse than most violence on your faviourite show or movie.

Because children especially can suffer from such extreme violence:

  • Children may become less sensitive to the pain and suffering of others.
  • Children may be more fearful of the world around them.
  • Children may be more likely to behave in aggressive or harmful ways toward others.


Continue reading Media Issues

Media Celebrities

You Don’t Know Who? Well You’ve Been Missing Out 

He is known to people as G-Dragon (GD) but his real name is Kwon Ji-yong.  GD is a South Korean rapper, singer-songwriter, record producer and fashion icon. Apart of the entertainment company in South Korea called YG Entertainment. Most famous for being a member of BigBang which is one of the most dominating groups in Korean music.


In order to be an idol, you go through so much. You start off as a trainee with your chosen entertainment company. Then you train. When I say train. I mean train. You work 24/7, if you want to be an idol. You have to be determined. Some people train for years before they can even debut as a soloist or in a band. GD trained around 6 years before he debuted with BigBang with fellow band members Taeyang, TOP, Seungri and Daesung. The band has been together for a solid 10 years now.


You have to watch this video. The majority of you have no idea what K pop training life is like. So i shall express the hardships through a very realistic and fun BuzzFeed Video

I Trained Like A K-Pop Star For A Week ft. Amber from f(x)

Described as the “most fashionable” one in Big Bang,G-Dragon is noted his for constantly changing image and tight control over his artistry and has strongly opposed the idea of singers as “products” of the entertainment industry. Also in interviews he has also called out other idol groups about their music. Because he believes that music isn’t artificial. That it’s wrong to have others write songs for you. As a singer/ rapper he is very involved with the writing process of his songs. Writing smash hit songs.

Imagine Justin Timberlake’s boy bander-turned-credible musician pedigree and KanyeWest’s genre-bending artistic daredevilry, and you’ll get an idea of G-Dragon’s standing in K-pop — though his reach is expanding rapidly beyond Asia.

›The Hollywood Reporter.

◊The Time – 100 Most Influential People◊

The group BigBang is also in the running to be in the Times 100 most influential people. Currently having more votes than Beyoncé and Taylor Swift combined!! Yes, that’s right, combined! BAM!!! Bet you didnt expect that! The Times

◊HYPEBEAST – 100 Most Influential People◊

Leading lifestyle magazine HYPEBEAST has released its latest edition of “HYPEBEAST 100,” and none other than Bigbang‘s fearless leader G-Dragon made the cut as Korea’s sole representative on the list.

Crafted by the magazine’s editors, writers, “HYPEBEAST 100″ is a list honoring the 100 most influential people impacting the international creative world right now.

“If you’re at all familiar with K-Pop, G-Dragon is the first name that comes to mind,” the magazine writes, highlighting G-Dragon’s international stardom and many achievements not just as a singer-songwriter-producer but also as a fashion influencer. HYPEBEAST

◊Sina – Most Influential Star (China)◊

“Big Bang’s G-Dragon who gains great love from Chinese fans is the first international star to enter top 10 in ‘Most Influential Star’.” From the Chinese media outlet Sina. Which was a big deal for someone like GD to take 1st place over some of the biggest Chinese stars.


Continue reading Media Celebrities

Volleyball Anime? What!?!!

Haikyuu… you most likely have no idea what this is. Damn. That is sad. Anyway, their is this amazing manga/anime/live action show called Haikyuu. Its literally all about volleyball.


I actually hate volleyball, i cant stand it. Horrible sport i tell you. But Haikyuu makes me love it haha. I feel like i could umpire volleyball from watching 2 seasons all about volleyball.

Anyway im here to spread the love. Recently the live action show for Haikyuu was released. I haven’t quite finished yet. But i will soon with the help of Cassey. So in the mean time if you’re not busy, maybe check this small video out? It’s funny even if you don’t know the characters and story. I think its just great to appreciate how other cultures create things. They put so much effort into this. And now i want to share that with you my friend. So enjoy 🙂